
How teachers perceive our methodology:

  • This class is sure to be fun for the students
  • Perfect motivation for learning
  • Comenius would be proud!
  • Good for enriching and diversifying lessons
  • To practice vocabulary, grammar in an engaging way
  • I like the practical application and inspiration
  • I will use many exercises and techniques with my students
  • I think the methods mentioned will definitely help students to start talking and liven up the lessons
  • I have found a lot for myself and the groups I teach that I can apply to everyday teaching
  • I appreciate this method for it is easy, interactive, practical, develops imagination
  • Benefit - activating students to speak in class
  • With a minimum of aids, it is suitable for all
  • It combines language teaching with improvisation techniques that can help my students to talk
  • I will definitely use the learning through movement
  • All tailored to the age of the students, the curriculum, the level of knowledge
  • All usable in the classroom, imaginative, definitely interesting for students
  • Very engaging, practical exercises, well applicable to practice
  • I will use the warm up activities to expand vocabulary, learn the language in a fun way.
  • Interesting exercises and activities, fun and humorous
  • Practically applicable, concise materials
  • Interesting form of teaching

How teachers perceive our courses:

  • Definitely the most inspiring training I have ever attended
  • I will make the most of it in all my classes
  • Great to try everything out in practice
  • I am very happy with the content, it combines language learning with improvisation techniques,
  • I have found a lot for myself and the groups I teach that I can apply to everyday teaching
  • I like the practical application and inspiration
  • The steady brisk pace kept me going without a moment's boredom
  • By trying out the methods, I can easily apply them to teaching
  • A well thought out program that can be put into practice

Opinions of the participants of the open courses:

The form of teaching based on improvisational techniques and exercises is great for those who want to get rid of their fear of English or of speaking in English. In fact, it's great for everyone.

Teraza H.

This form of teaching is excellent. I have to say that I look forward to every lesson. It's such a play school where you not only learn something, but also relax and unwind.

Lucie F.

For me personally, impro exercises are a big help and in my opinion it takes away the fear of speaking in front of others. For me the connection is absolutely first class.

Tomas K.

Yes, I feel a shift in my communication - I am less afraid. It's just that when one thinks about how to move the game or complete the story, there's not much room left for fear.

Katherine S.

The form is great, I like that it's active and still alive, one and a half hours passes so fast I don't even know how.

Irena P.

I'm more at ease, the stress of not knowing something has fallen away, I talk more.

Jana H.

Opinions of children who have been taught using the Improlingua method:

Improvement of spoken expression in English

"I stopped being afraid of English classes, and most importantly, I stopped being afraid of expressing myself. We started communicating more and overall it brought us closer together. It was more enjoyable than normal classes."

"It made me talk, I use English even in ordinary conversations."

"I am less afraid to communicate and I look forward to English classes more."

"I started to be more active and I am not so afraid to speak and I am not afraid of making a mistake."

Pupils activation

"It's a good way of teaching because I take away more knowledge from the lessons than from a simple explanation by the teacher - the teaching is fun and educational at the same time."

"I remember words better and I talk more."

"...more involvement in the lesson, the lesson was fun and relaxed, the vocabulary was easy to remember."

"I took away more knowledge from the class. I was more engaged in the lessons, I felt like the games made us think more and we talked more in class."

"....learning vocabulary through practice, I didn't have to learn it at home."

"It was more fun in class, I didn't have to prepare at home."

"Better than normal classes.. less boring and we worked more as a team."

"I felt great, no one had a problem working and everyone was involved."

Improving the overall classroom climate

"It forces us to work together and be proactive."

"The atmosphere in the classroom was generally pleasant, I felt comfortable, I was not ashamed to speak in front of others."

"There is always a relaxed atmosphere in our group, no one judges anyone, we are not afraid to speak up and make mistakes."

"I liked being able to work in a group with classmates I don't normally talk to."

"In my opinion, it helped us feel more comfortable with others."

"We laughed a lot, everyone was involved, we got to talk."

"I had conversations with classmates I wouldn't normally talk to."

"Since I'm in Year 1, the games and exercises have brought me closer to the rest of the group and we've learned to work together."

"We've definitely gotten closer."

ImproLingua is an independent educational institution with programs primarily designed for language educators.

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